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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2007-2-7 14:26:44  点击数:


Passage Four


   Scientists are hoping to eliminate malaria (疟疾 ) by developing a genetically modified mosquito that cannot transmit the disease. Malaria has long troubled the populations of South America, Africa, and Asia, where mosquito bites infect up to 500 million people a year with this serious and sometimes fatal parasitic blood disease. For generations, scientists have been trying to eliminate malaria by developing new drugs and using pesticide (杀虫剂) to wipe out local mosquito populations. But these measures aren’t working ---- and some scientists, like Greg Lanzaro, say that because of drug resistance and population changes, malaria is actually more prevalent now than it was 20 years ago. Lanzaro says he has a better way to stop the spread of malaria : genetically modifying mosquitoes so they are unable to carry the disease.

   Lanzaro and his colleagues are planning a multi- year project to produce malaria- resistant mosquitoes ---- and he thinks they can do it within five years. “We can get foreign into mosquitoes and they go where they’re supposed to go,” Lanzaro says , pointing out that scientists have already succeeded in genetically engineering mosquitoes that cannot transmit malaria to birds and mice. And, he says, scientists are quickly making progress on genes that block transmission of the disease to humans as well.

The most difficult part scientifically, Lanzaro says, is figuring out how to get the lab-engineered mosquitoes to spread their genes into natural populations After all, he points out, it’s useless to engineer mosquitoes in the lab that can’t transmit malaria when there are millions out in the wild that can. To solve this problem, Lanzaro wants to load up a mobile piece of DNA with the malaria- resistant gene, and then insert it into a group of mosquito embryos. The malaria-resistant gene would be integrated directly into the mosquitoes’ DNA, making it impossible for those mosquitoes to transmit the parasite that causes malaria. In this way a small group of lab-raised mosquitoes could be released into the wild, and by interbreeding with wild mosquitoes, eventually transmit the beneficial gene to the entire population.


① 一些科学家,如格里格·蓝扎洛说因为蚊子能抵抗杀虫剂并且种群数量发生变化,这些原因导致疟疾的肆虐比20年前更有过之而无不及。

② 蓝扎洛说他有一套对付疟疾传播的更好办法,就是将蚊子进行基因改良,使它们无法携带疟疾的病原体。



⑤ 为了解决这个问题,蓝扎洛希望将抗疟疾基因中的动态的单体DNA 进行聚合,并将其植入一组蚊子胚胎中。

46. One reason for malaria to be more widespread now is that ______.

A.      more people have moved to malaria-infected areas

B.       mosquitoes have become resistant to pesticides

C.       genetically modified mosquitoes still transmit the disease

D.      mosquitoes bite as many as 500 million people a year


47. Lanzaro is hopeful that in a few year man can ______.

A.      start to eliminate malaria

B.       cure parasitic blood diseases

C.       prevent mice form transmitting parasites

D.      acquire immunity against malaria


48. Lanzaro is confident that scientists can block the transmissions of malaria to humans because


A.      natural mosquito populations do not change

B.       scientists have succeeded with birds and mice

C.       foreign genes always go where they are required

D.      lab- raised mosquitoes will not be resistant to drugs


49. What is the most difficult part of Lanzaro’s project?

A.      Spreading malaria- resistant genes into natural mosquito populations

B.       Raising malaria- resistant mosquitoes

C.       Making genes that block the transmission of malaria

D.      Identifying malaria-resistant genes


50. According to the passage , a fundamental way to wipe out malaria is to ______.

A.      develop new malaria-resistant drugs

B.       produce effective pesticides to kill mosquitoes

C.       change the genetic makeup of mosquitoes

D.      remove people from malaria – infected areas

46-50 B A B A C


Passage Five


  According to Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip (系列漫画) Dilbert, the annual performance review is “one of the most frightening and weakening experiences in every employee’s life. Adam’s stories and comic figures poke fun at the workplace, but his characterization of people’s feelings about the annual performance review has its serious side. ① ⑤ Although a recent study of 437 companies indicates that effective annual performance reviews can help raise profits, most employees of those companies hate them.

  In theory, annual performance reviews are constructive and positive interactions between managers and employees working together to attain maximum performance and strengthen the organization. In reality, they often create division, undermine morale, and spark anger and jealousy. Thus although the object of the annual performance review is to improve performance, it often has the opposite result. A programmer at an IT firm was stunned to learn at her annual performance review that she was denied a promotion because she wasn’t a “term player.” What were the data used to make this judgment? She didn’t smile in the company photo.

   Although this story might sound as if it came straight out of Dilbert, it is a true account of one woman’s experience. By following a few ideas and guidelines from industry analysis, this kind of ordeal can be avoided:

   To end the year with a positive and useful performance review, managers and employees must start the year by working together to establish clear goals and expectations.

   It may be helpful to allow employees to propose a list of people associated with the company who will be in a good position to assess their performance at the end of the year; these people may be co-workers, suppliers ,or even customers.

Goals should be measurable but flexible, and everyone should sign off on the plan.

By checking employees’ progress at about nine months, managers can give them a chance to correct mistakes and provide guidance to those who need it before the year is out.

 When conducting the review, managers should highlight strengths and weaknesses during the past year and discuss future responsibilities, avoiding punishment or blame.

 In short, when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead, not worrying about what went into their files about the past.


① 在亚当斯漫画故事中,他塑造的漫画形象对工作场所进行了恶意嘲讽,不过他所描绘的职员对“年度绩效评估”的心态感受还是有其严肃一面的。

② 在现实中,年度绩效评估经常导致职员产生分歧,破坏士气,点燃愤怒火种和引发嫉妒心理。

③ 第2段说尽管进行年度绩效评估是为了改善业绩,但其效果适得其反。文中IT业女程序员由于看到上司对自己的评价是“外行”而郁闷。而第三段作者建议遵照几点产业分析建议,可以避免这种“ ” ,由此可见,引号内是对前述郁闷经历的总结,因此答案是C

④ 总而言之,当雇员将绩效评估放在一旁时,他们应该关注于下年如何做得更好,而不是担心过去一年什么样的操行会被记入档案。

⑤ 根据第一段第2句:尽管亚当斯在系列漫画“呆伯特”中对职场进行了辛辣讽刺,但他所描绘的职员对“年度绩效评估”的心态感受还是有其严肃一面的。因此可判断作者对这套漫画的内容给予了相对肯定的评价。所以答案是C


51. In his comic strip Dilbert, Scott Adams _______.

A.      make fun of working people

B.       tells a story about as woman employee

C.       promote team spirit among co-workers

D.      mocks annual performance reviews


52. All the following are mentioned as the drawbacks of annual performance reviews EXCEPT


A.      reducing efficiency

B.       creating tension

C.       undermining morale

D.      inducing anger


53. The word “ordeal” Paragraph 3 probably refers to _____.

A.      likelihood of promotion

B.       depressive experience

C.       poor performance

D.      unrealistic expectation


54. The annual performance reviews, to be effective, must focus on ________.

A.      making employees aware of their company’s future goals

B.       involving employees in assessing their own performance

C.       encouraging employees to achieve better future performance

D.      highlighting what responsibilities employees have failed in


55. The general attitude of the author toward Adam’s comic strip Dilbert is ________.

A.      negative

B.       positive

C.       neutral

D.      unclear



51-55 D A B C B












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