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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2017-11-16 13:32:43  点击数:


来源:学苑教育    编辑:九岁红

1. The nasty language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude.

A. artificial       B. indecent    C. humorous      D. lively

2. We shouldn’t treat children as peers or friends, but guide them in making their choices, even if it means with some discipline.

A. persuasion   B. punishment    C. rewards       D. criticism

3. Silk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight.

A. soft   B. sheer        C. fragile        D. refined

4. It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.

A. apparently    B. slightly     C. considerably    D. steadily

5. The new government embarked upon a program of radical economic reform.

A. initiated     B. produced      C. adopted       D. implemented


1、B    2、B    3、C    4、C     5、A

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