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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2007-3-1 8:42:07  点击数:




A little body often harbors a great soul.

Part 1  Match

1.In bad shape            A. 十分,非常

2.Look for a needle        B.(指人或物)处于不良状态或处境,健康不佳

3.Nothing but             C.大海捞针

4.Know better than to do sth.    D. 夜以继日地,日夜不停地

5.Day in and day out           E. 明白事理而不去做某事


Part 2


1)I wrote to Mary and Jane but _____  of them has replied ; in fact, I doubt if _____ of them is coming.

A. either /all        B.either/neither      C.  neither/all        D. neither/either

2)Both husband and wife had to work to ______.

A.handle money          B. deal with money        C.make ends meet      D.make money meet

3)I always have a dictionary within arm’s ______.

A.touch         B. reach        C. range        D. distance


Part 3


Translate the flowing sentences into Chinese.

1)     The beggar he met yesterday truned out to be a millionare.

2)     It’s typical of Jim to deal with tricky problems with witty humor.

3)     The doctor has warned my father of the danger of smoking too much.



Part 1  1 B  2C  3A  4E  5D


Part 2

 1D  neither 指两者都不,表否定;either只表示其中之一;


2C  make ends meet固定搭配,表示达到收支平衡的意思


3B  within arm’s reach 固定搭配,表示随身携带;



Part 3

1) 那天他遇见的乞丐原来是一个百万富翁。

2) 用机智的幽默来处理棘手的问题是吉姆的特征。





Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.



Part One Vocabulary

1. If two countries are at war and a third country chooses not to take sides, the third country may

   declare itself ______.

   A) middle     B) central         C) neutral        D) intermediate

2. Kindness and honesty are the most important ______ a man can have.

   A) habits      B) customs        C) qualities      D) quantities

3.I looked at a number of spoons which were _______ out in front of me, trying to find out the  right one for the soup.

   A) lied        B) lain       C) laid         D) landed

4. He looked like such a _______ man that it is unbelievable that he stole the money.

   A) respect      B) respective         C) respectful       D) respectable

5. Two were killed, but the others were only slightly injured in the two-car _______.

    A) collision      B) conflict     C) contact             D) collapse


Part Two Cloze


Advertising is a form of selling. For thousands of years there been individuals who have tried to  56   others to buy the food they have produced or the goods they have made or the services they can   57  .

But in the 19th century the mass production of goods 58    the Industrial Revolution made person-to-person selling inefficient. The mass distribution of goods that 59  the development of the railway and highway made person-to-person selling too slow and expensive. At the same time mass communication first newspapers and magazines then radio and television made mass selling through 60   possible.

The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best  61   to take the action the advertiser is recommending. The action 62  be to purchase a product use a service vote for a political candidate or even to join the Army.

Advertising as a 63  developed first and most rapidly in the United States the country that uses it to the greatest 64   In 1980 advertising expenditures in the U.S. exceeded 55 billion dollars or 65   2 percent of the gross national product. Canada spent about 1.2 percent of its gross national product 66  advertising.

67   advertising brings the economies of mass selling to the manufacturer it produces benefits for the consumer 68  . Some of those economies are passed along to the purchaser so that the cost of a product sold primarily through advertising is usually far 69   than one sold through personal salespeople. Advertising brings people immediate news about products that have just come on the market. Finally advertising 70   for the programs on commercial television and radio and for about two thirds of the cost of publishing magazine and newspapers.


56.A.request             B. oblige                   C. affect       D. persuade

57.A.transfer           B. secure                C. enjoy          D. perform

58.A.resulting from            B. dealing with            C. leading to              D. going for

59.A.followed              B. preceded                       C. achieved                 D. induced

60. A. marketing                B. advertising              C. salespeople             D agents

61. A. profits                   B. benefits                  C. interests             D. gains

62.A. should                    B. would                    C. may               D. will

63. A. business                 B. service             C product             D. profession

64. A. amount                  B. extent                C. possibility          D. utility

65, A similarly                  B. supposedly             C. approximately       D. accountably

66. A. with                      B. at                    C. into               D. on

67. A. While                     B. Therefore           C. But                D. If

68. A. as well                   B. as usual              C. as a result            D. as a rule

69. A. more                     B. less                   C. cheaper            D. dearer

70. A. works                    B. calls                   C. looks           D. pays


Part Three Translation

While achieving success is easier said than done , persistence does in fact pay off . One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence , another is desire , and still another is determination .


Part One     C      C     C    D    A

Part Two    56-60 D D C A B        61-65 C C A B C        66-70 D A A B D 

Part Three



Advertising is a form of selling. For thousands of years there been individuals who have tried to  56   others to buy the food they have produced or the goods they have made or the services they can   57  .

But in the 19th century the mass production of goods 58    the Industrial Revolution made person-to-person selling inefficient. The mass distribution of goods that 59  the development of the railway and highway made person-to-person selling too slow and expensive. At the same time mass communication first newspapers and magazines then radio and television made mass selling through 60   possible.

The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best  61   to take the action the advertiser is recommending. The action 62  be to purchase a product use a service vote for a political candidate or even to join the Army.

Advertising as a 63  developed first and most rapidly in the United States the country that uses it to the greatest 64   In 1980 advertising expenditures in the U.S. exceeded 55 billion dollars or 65   2 percent of the gross national product. Canada spent about 1.2 percent of its gross national product 66  advertising.

67   advertising brings the economies of mass selling to the manufacturer it produces benefits for the consumer 68  . Some of those economies are passed along to the purchaser so that the cost of a product sold primarily through advertising is usually far 69   than one sold through personal salespeople. Advertising brings people immediate news about products that have just come on the market. Finally advertising 70   for the programs on commercial television and radio and for about two thirds of the cost of publishing magazine and newspapers.


56.A.request                    B. oblige                                C. affect               D. persuade

57.A.transfer                   B. secure                              C. enjoy                        D. perform

58.A.resulting from            B. dealing with                   C. leading to         D. going for

59.A.followed                      B. preceded                          C. achieved                  D. induced

60. A. marketing                B. advertising                     C. salespeople         D agents

61. A. profits                   B. benefits                            C. interests            D. gains

62.A. should                    B. would                               C. may                 D. will

63. A. business                 B. service                              C product           D. profession

64. A. amount                  B. extent                          C. possibility         D. utility

65, A similarly                  B. supposedly                   C. approximately    D. accountably

66. A. with                      B. at                               C. into              D. on

67. A. While                     B. Therefore                      C. But              D. If

68. A. as well                   B. as usual                        C. as a result          D. as a rule

69. A. more                     B. less                             C. cheaper             D. dearer

70. A. works                    B. calls                            C. looks               D. pays


56-60 D D C A B    61-65 C C A B C    66-70 D A A B D 



1. D. Arequest 意为要求、请求、恳求、申请等,常用的句型为request sb to sthBoblige意为迫使、责成、答应的请求等;Caffect意为影响、起作用、感染、假装等意,常与to连用,表示影响到,作用于;Dpersuade意味说服、劝服,常用句型为persuade sb to do sth表示鼓励或说服某人做某事。文中此句的意思为数千年来很多的个人说服别人购买他们生产或制作的商品。A,B,C三项都不符合句意。

2.Dtransfer意为转移、调砖、传递;Bsecure意为保护、担保 Cenjoy意为享受、欣赏、喜爱;Dperform意味旅行、执行、表演、操作等;句中是一个定语从句,先行词为services,也即使所选动词的宾语,在这里,services搭配的只能选perform,意思为提供服务。

3.C.resulting from意为由造成,由产生;Bdealing with意为做买卖,处理,安排等意;Cleading to意为导致,通向,通往等;Dgoing for意为请人,努力获得,袭击等。此句的意思是可是,19世纪的大规模生产引发的工业革命使得面对面的销售效率低下

4.Afollowed意为跟随,追随;Bpreceded意为领先,先于,优于;Cachieved意为完成,达到,取得,实现;D. induced意为劝诱,促使,导致,引起。这句话的意思是随着铁路和公路的发展而发展的大规模销售使个对个的销售显得太慢而且成本太高,故而只能选A项。

5. B marketing意为销售,营销;Badvertising 意为广告,宣传; Csalespeople 意为销售员,推销员;Dagents意为代理人,代理商。这句话的意思是同时大众媒体,先是报纸和杂志,然后是收音机和电视的发展使得商品可能通过广告而大规模销售,句子重大众媒体,报纸和杂志,收音机和电视表明了是通过广告销售,而不是推销,代理等销售。

6. C这四个选项都有利益的意思,但是各有不同的使用场合和内在含义。A profits指的是利润,常用于企业的盈利;B. benefits是好处,福利,常指大众的福利好处;C. interests是利益,利息,常用于personal interests个人利益, national interests国家利益等搭配,用于个人,集体,国家等各个具体的对象;D. gains指收获,泛指一切的所得和获得。这句话的意思是任何广告的目的都是说服人们采取广告推荐的行为是符合他们的最大利益的,因此指的是个人的利益,故而选interests.

7. C这四个选项都是情态动词,考察的是情态动词的用法。Ashould表示应该;      B. would 表示委婉的可能,将会,可能性较大;C. may 表示也许,可能性较小,很没有把握;D. will表示将要,愿意。这句话的意思是这个可能的商品购买行为,为政治候选人甚至是军队提供了一定的服务性选票may be to purchase a product在这里是作为action的定语来修饰它,这里是很不肯定的猜测,故而选C.

8. A. business生意,商业,买卖;B. service 服务,服役;C product产品,成果;     D. profession职业。句中Advertising广告业是一种生意,商业。这句话的意思是作为一种商业,广告业在美国首先迅速发展起来

9. B amount总数,总值;B. extent广度,宽度,长度,范围,程度;C. possibility可能性,潜能;D. utility效用,实用,有用。这句话的意思是美国这个国家把最大程度的使用了广告to…extent 是一个短语,表示程度,故选B

10. C similarly类似地,相似地;B. supposedly 想象上,恐怕;C. approximately近似地,大约      D. accountably由责任地,可解释地。这句话的意思是1980年美国的广告花费超过550亿美元,大约占国民生产总值的2%2 percent是一个大约,估计的数据,因此选择C项。

11. 这里考察的是介词的搭配用法,spend some money or time on sth/doing sth, 表示花费钱或时间做某事。故选择D

12. A. While 然而,一般由于句首;B. Therefore因此,因而;C. But 可是,但是,一般用于句中; D. If如果,假使。前一段讲述广告的发展情况,而下一段事叙述广告与产品,销售的关系和影响。因而两段之间的关系是转折的关系,转移话题。而该空又在句首,故而选A.

13. A. as well 也,一般用于句末;B. as usual 照常,照例,一般用于句首;C. as a result 结果,作为结果; D. as a rule按照惯例,通常,一般说来。这句话的意思是然而,广告在把大规模销售经济带给制造商的同时也给消费者带来了利益。…as well表示As well as 表示也,和一样,常用于句中

14. B这句话的意思是这些经济利益中的一些会惠及传递给购买者,结果使得一个主要通过广告销售的产品价格通常远远低于通过推销员销售的产品far less是一个固定搭配,表示远远小于,远远少于

15. D这句话的意思是最后,广告为在商业电视和收音机的节目,为杂志和报纸发行的三分之二得用付费pay for 是一个固定搭配,表示偿还,赔偿,付出




Temperance is the greatest of virtues. 自我节制是最大的美德。


Part One Vocabulary

1.   Further/ farther

I can throw ball _____ than you can.

She refused to talk any ____ that evening of ther own worry.

2.      immortal/ immoral

The vallain in that story is an ____ man who used others to avance his own interests.

A man’s body dies, but his soul may be _____.

3.      personal/ personnel

The factory transferred 50 pf its key ______ to the west coast office.

I will be most interested to hear your _____ views on the situation there.


Part Two Error Detection

1.     Obviously, no organism can grow, propagate, and continuation its kind for millions of

      A                     B                   C          

generations without replenishing the elements that support it .


2.     In India, almost all universities are always using English as the instrument of instructions.

               A                 B                C                 D

3.     He drank  a cup of coffee when the telepho  ne rang

A        B         C                D


Part Three


Cardiologists(心脏学家) divided us into two types, according to how our personality affects our heart. Type A individuals are highly competitive, innately hostile, fast eating and rapid talking, whilst B type drown in the milk of human kindness and are sublimely indifferent to the passage of time. It is an uncomfortable fact that A's die twice as frequently from heart disease as B's, even when the risks of cigarettes, alcohol and cream burns are taken into account. Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A - youngsters change into B's. The world needs A - types, and schools have an important duty to try to fit a child's personality to his possible future employment. It is top management.

  Q: According to the passage, A -type individuals are usually_

   [A] impatient     [B] considerate    [C] aggressive     [D] agreeable


Part One 

1Farther更远/ further进一步   2. immoral不道德 , immortal不朽   3. personnel 人员personal 个人的

Part Two

1.continue      2. always use      3. was drinking

Part three A

心脏学家按照我们的性格与我们的心脏之间影响关系把我们分为两类. A类极具竞争意识,天生怀敌意,吃得快,说话快.B型人在人性仁慈的蜜罐中泡大,对时光的流逝坦然面对.另人郁闷的是A型人因心脏病pass的人数是B型两倍,即使把烟酒奶油的危害考虑进去.显然,A型变B型既不实际也不要求, 世界需要A型人学校有重要义务按照儿童性格帮他们确立职业方向.当务之急



All rivers run into sea.


Part 1                                                           

1) If you want this painkiller, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a ____.

A) transaction     B) permit   C) settlement      D) prescription

2I would like to express my ____ to you all for supporting me this summer as a visiting scholar in your department.

A.satisfaction  B. gratitude  C. pleasure  D. sincerity

Part 2  Match

1.Wolf down                    A.为摆脱困境放弃进一步的行动

2.cut and run                    B. 做假帐

3.flying colors                  C.狼吞虎咽

4.with a grain of salt         D.对某事有保留

5.cook the books       E.显著的胜利,巨大的成功


Part 3  Translate


1) Over the past ten years, with joint efforts a big progress has been made in postgraduate education in China.

2) We are pleased to see that effective measures have been taken to reduce noise pollution in this area.



part 1 1)D  prescription 指药方的意思  译文;如果你需要这些止痛药的话,你需要先向大夫开药方。

      2)B  gratitude一般在表达感谢,感激的场合用  译文:我谨真诚的感谢诸位在我作为访问学者暑期期间访问贵部门时给予的帮助!

Part 2  


 2A    cut and run 本意表示急忙逃走;匆忙离开;但是在句子中经常表示(受到袭击后)匆匆撤退,或为摆脱困境放弃进一步的行动,含有轻蔑或讽刺意味。

 3E  flying colors 是航海术语,原意指迎风飘扬的旗帜,现在常用来表示显著的胜利,巨大的成功。例如:She passed her examination with flying colors.     

  4D   with a grain of salt 表示对某事有保留,持怀疑态度。

   5B   cook the books 做假帐(stealing money by making changes in the accounts)例如:she was sacked for cooking the books.


Part 3  翻译






Proverb Today

Thoroughly to teach another is the best way to learn for yourself. 教学相长。


Part One

1. The scientific conq   uest of fusion energy is proving to be an arduous task.

A. an intangible      B. laborious          C. an awesome     D. a superfluous

2Henry brags about his family’s money

A. lies            B. boasts     C. feels                D. rewards.

3. Nutritionists catergorize food into seven basic groups.

A. clarify              B. grind   C. classify         D. channel

4. In A.D. 394, Empror Theodosius I of Rome decreed that the Olympic Games would cease to take place.

A. predicted        B. decided  C. resolved D. ordered

5. Professor Baker explained in detail several theories of evolution which had historically preceded that of Charles Darwin.

A. found fault with            B. expounded upon          C. presided over          D. took after


Part Two Error detecion


1.     The leaves of the red maple are (highlyA) poisonous (toB) cattle and when (ingestedC) can kill (itD) within fifteen hours.

2.      Unlike (anotherA) blood cells, white cells have a (nucleusB) than (enablesC) (themD) to divide and reproduce.

3.      Jane worried that the newstand (would have run out of A ) copies of the evening paper by (the timeB) she got there, but found that (itC) still had (very muchD) left.

4.      He (was convincedA) that (the worldB) owed (himselfC) a (livingD).


Part Three Translation


1.     我们感觉很难理解这个报道

2.     他正在读将于明天发布的报告

3.     据估计, 去火星往返飞行一次需要超过一年半的时间.


Part One :    1.B     2.B     3.C     4.D     5. B


Part Two  考点:代词: 与先行词的一致

1.Dthem 2. A other 3.D many 4. C him


Part Three

1.     We found the report hard to understand

2.     He is reading the report to be published tomorrow.

3.It is estimated that a round-trup flight to Mars would take more than a year and a half.




Proverb Today

Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.

Part 1

1) A man should e judged _____ his deeds ,not his words.

A.accoeding to            B.in             C. from             D.by

2)A mother loves a baby from the _____ of her heart.

A.    edge            B.center         C.bottom          D.middle

3) He was always conscious of the fact_____ she didn’t approve what he was doing.

A.which        B.that          C.when          D.where


Part 2 Translation

1) His ambition goaded him on.

2)The children were out of control.

3)Now that she is an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.


Part 3

 It is well known that when an individual joins a group he tends to accept the group’s standards of behaving and thinking. Many illustrations could be given of this from everyday life, but what is of particular interest to psychologists is the extent to which people’s judgments and opinions can be changed as a result of group pressure. Asch and others noticed that people in a group will agree to statements that are contrary to the evidence of their senses. It would be a mistake to think that only particular docile (驯服的) people are chosen to take part in experiments of this type. Usually highly intelligent and independent people are used.

In a typical experiment, this is what may happen. The experimenter asks for volunteers to join a group which is investigating visual perception. The victims are not, therefore, aware of the real purpose of the experiment. Each volunteer is taken to a room where he finds a group of about seven people who are collaborating with the experiment. The group is shown a standard card which contains a single line. They are then asked to look at a second card. This has three lines on it. One is obviously longer than the line on the first card, one is shorter and one the same length. They have to say which line on the second card is the same length as the line on the standard card. The other members of the group answer first but what the volunteer does not know is that they have been told to pick one of the wrong lines. When his turn comes he is faced with the unanimous (一致的) opinion of the rest of the groupall the others have chosen line A but he quite clearly sees line B as correct. What will he do? According to Asch, more than half of the victims chosen will change their opinion. What is equally surprising is that, when interviewed about their answers, most explained that they know the group choice was incorrect but that they yield to the pressure of the group because they thought they must be suffering from an optical illusion, or because they were afraid of being different.

46. The psychologists are particularly interested in ______.

A. the group pressure

B.   the extent to which people change their attitudes under group pressure

C.   the group’s standards of behavior

D.    taking part in experiments of the people capable of reasoning

47. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Opinions of people capable of reasoning are always changed under group pressure.

B. People under group pressure will agree to statements contrary to their original opinions.

C. Both docile and independent people are chosen to take part in the experiment.

D. People with intelligence and independence seldom change their opinions under group pressure.

48. Which of the following is true about the victim in an experiment?

A. He knows the purpose of the experiment.

B. He knows that he is the only one tested.

C. He would probably choose the right line without group pressure.

D. He believes that the group choice is correct.

49. According to the passage, _____ is not accountable for the victim changing his answer.

A. the group pressure  B. being afraid of difference                C. self-suspicion              D. his personality

50. What is the most proper title for this passage?

A. Group Pressure              B. A Successful Experiment             C. The Victim                D. Judgments and Opinions


Part 1  1D 固定搭配,sb.be judged by sth.  译文:衡量一个人,必须根据他的行为而不是他的语言。

           2C  from the bottom of the heart 指发自内心的  译文:母亲对孩子的爱是发自内心的。

           3B that引导的定语从句  译文:他总是清醒地认识到一个事实,那就是她总是不赞成他所做的每一件事。


Part 2 翻译

         1) 他的雄心壮志驱使他前进。2)孩子们无法无天了。




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