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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2018-4-18 20:15:11  点击数:

1. The writer was always looking for suitable _____ to use in his next story.

  A. contents B. articles C. notions D. ideas

  2. He gave me some very _____ advice on buying a house.

  A. precious B. worthy C. precise D. valuable

  3. You will get to the church more quickly if you take this _____ across the fields.

  A. track B. passage C. method D. journey

  4. A landing on Mars is within the _____ of current physical theory.

  A. scheme B. scope C. scrap D. scale

  5. He was _____ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

  A. scratched B. pricked C. stung D. bitten

  6. Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _____ you off your feet.

  A. flow B. cut C. press D. sweep

  7. The store had no more red shoes _____, so Mary chose brown ones instead.

  A. in demand B. in store C. in need D. in stock

  8. Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will _____ the race even if he finishes last.

  A. keep on B. keep to C. stick out D. stick to

  9. Can you _____ me _____ two hundred copies of this article by tomorrow.

  A. give .. out B. send .. in C. write .. off D. run .. off

  10. The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

  A. climate B. weather C. state D. occasion


  1. [答案] D. ideas. [注释] idea(= thought; picture in mind)念头,思想,想法。

  2. [答案] D. valuable. [注释] valuable 宝贵的,有价值的,常可修饰advice, suggestion, assistance, discovery等名词。 precious“贵重的”如: precious metals(贵金 属),precious stone(宝石)。

  3. [答案] A. track.

  [注释] track(=path made by frequent use)意指“(常走而踏成的)小径”,如:a track across the moor(越过荒野的小径)。passage“通路”,如:force a passage through a crowd(在人群中挤出的一条通路). 可见此处选passage不妥.

  4. [答案] B . scope.

  [注释] scope 范围,活动范围,理解犯围: 1 Many words are outside the scope of this dictionary. (许多单词是超出了这本词典的范围.) 2 Very hard words are not within the scope of a child's understanding。(非常难懂的 词是超出了一个孩子的理解范围.) 3 Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind.(经济学是孩子理解不了的.)



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