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作者:lili   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-9-29 0:26:06  点击数:906


burn down 烧毁;烧掉

The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.

burn out 烧光;熄灭;疲乏

The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.

You’ll burn yourself out if you work too hard.

burn up烧尽;烧旺

All the wood has been burnt up.

Put some more wood on the fire to make it burn up.

but for要是没有,要不是

But for my brothers help, I would not have finished.



by accident偶然;不小心

I met Jacob by accident in the cinema.


by all means尽一切办法;务必

by and by不久以后;不一会儿

He’ll come back by and by.

by and large 一般来说,大体上

By and large, your idea is a good one.

by far 得多;显然

He is by far the tallest among us.

His explanation is clear by far.


by hand用手;由专人送的;用体力

by itself自动地,单独地

The house stands by itself outside the village. 这幢房子孤单地坐落在村外。

by means of通过…手段;借助于,用

by mistake弄错,错误地

by no means 根本没有;一点也不

I am by no means pleased with this behavior.

by oneself单独地,独自地

by the way顺便说说;顺便提起

By the way, what happened to the money?


by virtue of由于;因为

Though she isn’t British by birth, she’s a British citizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishmen.

by way of取道;用…方法,通过

by way of London 途经伦敦

learning reading by way of pictures用图片的方式学习阅读。

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