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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2017-11-3 10:43:13  点击数:


来源:学苑教育    编辑:九岁红

1.Before sitting for the entrance examination for post-graduate students,many candidates try to familiarize themselves with the formula of the exam by doing   tests.

A. imitated                    B. simulated

C. stimulated                  D. exemplary

2.The only solution to rubbish problem for a nation which now spends more on wrapping food than it pays farmers to produce it,is recovering_the packaging materials for commercial as well as for conservation reasons.

A. on sale                     B. on the spot

C. on a large scale              D. on all sides

3. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments,carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity,would eventually lead to modern electrical technology,without which we can scarcely_contemporary life.

A. get hold of                 B. conceive of

C. get the better of             D. take advantage of

4.Students learning English find the news a useful_of language practice. To improve their listening comprehension,they listen to the news on the radio and watch it on television.

A. resource                    B. origin

C. source                      D. illustration

5. It is virtually impossible to_the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.

A. appraise                    B. evaluate

C. assess                      D. estimate


1B    2、C    3、B    4、C    5、D

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