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作者:九岁红   来源:学苑教育  日期:2017-11-7 7:06:55  点击数:


来源:学苑教育    编辑:九岁红

1.There are many disadvantages in grouping pupils just according to their intellectual ability. In fact,bright children are rarely_by mixed-ability teaching.

A. held out        B. held back         C. held up      D. held in

2. The vast differences in the ways students learn are often_when they are taught the same thing,in the same way,at the same time. Therefore many of them feel little enthusiastic and even hostile for the ways instruction is handled.

A. disregarded     B. distinguished     

C. discharged      D. discerned

3.With the pace of change quickening,more and more scientists find it hard to keep up with the latest development even in their own_.

A. disciplines     B. majors          C. realms        D. circles

4._I phoned the police,then I made a list of what had been stolen,and then I made myself a cup of tea.

A. At first        B. First     C. In the first place      D. At the start

5.With some effective measures adopted in the workshop,the workers are safe_getting injured.

A. in            B. from             C. against       D. without


1B     2、A     3、A     4、B     5、B

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