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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (171)
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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (171)




导读:今起我们开启2019年同等学力英语国家统一考试的复习,为此学苑教育教学中心为保证大家在漫漫备考复习过程中能高效掌握和记忆词汇,针对2019年同等学力英语复习备考精心编辑每日一练习 、周测试、月模考,希望带领大家顺利通过2019年同等学力英语考试。  别抱怨考试太难,复习时间太少,也许是你投入的太少!记得每天多挤一点点时间,坚持,坚持,再坚持!关注学苑教育同等学力微信公众号:gzxyweixin 自动获取更多复习资料!


更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。


A class action lawsuit has been filed against a prominent Toronto doctor, by patients who allege he injected a banned substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been investigated more than three years ago for using the liquid silicone, a product not authorized for use in Canada.

  Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. What she says he didn't tell her is that it isn't approved for use in Canada. “I didn't know what liquid silicone was and he just called it ‘liquid gold'.” Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone two years earlier by Health Canada. Experts say silicone can migrate through the body, and cause inflammation and deformities.

  “My upper lip is always numb and it burns,” Barbiero says. Barbiero is spearheading a lawsuit against the doctor, who her lawyer thinks might involve up to 100 patients injected with the same material. “The fact, a physician of his stature would use an unauthorized product on a patient because he thought it was okay, is really very disturbing, ”says lawyer Douglas Elliott.
  Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons (OCPS) is also investigating Dr. Pollack to see if, in fact, he continued to use the silicone after agreeing to stop and whether he wrote in patient records that he used another legal product when he had used silicone. However, in a letter to the College, Dr. Pollack wrote that he had always told patients that the silicone was not approved for sale in Canada, and had warned them of the risks. And in Barbiero's case, “…… at the time of her first visit, prior to her ever receiving IGLS treatment, I specifically informed her that the material was not approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch and that I did receive the material from outside the country …… I would like to emphasize that, as is evident on Ms. Barbiero's chart, I drew a specific diagram on the chart which I carefully discussed with and explained to Ms. Barbiero as I do with every other patient to explain the nature and likelihood of possible complications and the reasons and consequences of those possible complications.”

  Dr. Pollack declined to speak to CTV News, or to have his lawyer discuss the case. None of the allegations have been proven in court. But the case raises questions about the ability of governing bodies to monitor doctors. “There's a larger message and that is: buyer beware,” says Nancy Neilsen of Cosmetic Surgery Canada. “It's incumbent on consumers to do their research.”

1. Doctor Sheldon Pollack was charged that2019年学苑教育专项练习

  A. he had prescribed wrong medicine for patients by mistake

  B. he had treated his patients with something illegal, causing bad result

  C. he had pretended to be a prominent surgeon

  D. he had sold an unauthorized product in large amount

2. It can be learned from the second paragraph that “dermatologist” must be a doctor dealing with.2019年学苑教育专项练习

  A. heart disease                  B. eye disease

  C. breathing disorder             D. disorder and disease of the skin

3. The investigation of OCPS is to find 2019年学苑教育专项练习

  A. whether he still has illegal treatment on his patients

  B. how many patients have been abused

  C. if he told his patients about the risk

  D. how much money he got from his illegal treatment

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?2019年学苑教育专项练习

  A. Barbiero took the treatment after being told the risk.

  B. Dr. Sheldon Pollack started his work with the patients' agreement to accept the potential risk.

  C. A famous doctor should be authorized to use something he thinks okay on patients.

  D. Barbiero is suffering a lot.

5. From the ending part of the passage, we can conclude that 2019年学苑教育专项练习

  A. Barbiero will win the lawsuit

  B. Dr. Sheldon Pollack will win the lawsuit

  C. the cases have been dismissed

  D. governing bodies to monitor doctor will be charged

更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。






1.参考「答案」 B2019年学苑教育专项练习「解析」 第一段第一句:患者对一位多伦多的著名医生(指文章后面提到的Dr. Sheldon Pollack)提起了集体诉讼,指责他使用违禁材料为他们做面部美容。第三段第一句提到患者Barbiero说她的上唇麻木、有烧灼感。因此可以确认选项B正确。

2.参考「答案」 D2019年学苑教育专项练习「解析」 Dermatologist(皮肤科医生)。derma是皮肤的意思,也可以作为词缀构成其他词。这句话意为:她(Barbiero)说她的多伦多的医生告诉她,他(医生)在使用液体硅胶弄平皱纹。根据语境可以判断出正确答案为选项D.

3.「答案」 A2019年学苑教育专项练习「解析」 第四段第一句话意为:安大略医学院正在调查Dr.Pollack,以便弄清楚他在同意停用后是否还在继续使用硅胶,以及他是否在使用硅胶的同时却在患者的病历上写上别的合法产品的名称。因此,选项A正确。

4.「答案」 D2019年学苑教育专项练习「解析」 答案可从第三段第一句明显看出。从文章看,A、B属于当事双方各执一词,还没有定论。C项之中没有提及。

5.「答案」 C2019年学苑教育专项练习「解析」 最后一段第二、三句意为:任何主张在法庭上都没有被采纳,但是这个案子提出了一个政府是否有能力监管医生的问题。因此可知选项C正确。

更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。




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