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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (264)
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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (264)




导读:今起我们开启2019年同等学力英语国家统一考试的复习,为此学苑教育教学中心为保证大家在漫漫备考复习过程中能高效掌握和记忆词汇,针对2019年同等学力英语复习备考精心编辑每日一练习 、周测试、月模考,希望带领大家顺利通过2019年同等学力英语考试。  别抱怨考试太难,复习时间太少,也许是你投入的太少!记得每天多挤一点点时间,坚持,坚持,再坚持!关注学苑教育同等学力微信公众号:gzxyweixin 自动获取更多复习资料!


更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。



    I have been studying the nature of the“lower animals” and contrasting it with that of man.I find the result humiliating(使丢脸) to me.For it obliges me to give up my support for the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be replaced by a new and truer one,the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.

    In proceeding towards this unpleasant conclusion I have not guessed or speculated,but have used what is commonly called the scientific method.That is to say, I have subjected every hypothesis to the test of actual experiment,and have adopted it or rejected it according to the result.

    Many men who have accumulated more money than they can ever use have shown a violent hunger for more,and have not hesitated to cheat the ignorant and the helpless of their poor savings in order to satisfy that appetite.I furnished a hundred different kinds of wild animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food,but none of them would do it.The bees and certain birds made accumulations,but stopped when they had gathered a winter’s supply,and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or by deception.These experiments convinced me that there is the difference between man and the higher animals:he is greedy,they are not.

    Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country-takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him.Man has done this in all the ages.There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is held by its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, by force and bloodshed.

    Man is the Reasoning Animal.Such is the claim.I think it is open to debate.Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal.His record is the fantastic record of a maniac(狂热者).I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he still sets himself up as the head animal of the lot:whereas by his own standards he is the bottom one.

1.The writer claims that his theory is___________.

  A) practical            B) objective       C) subjective        D) scientific

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?  

  A) Man gathered more money in order to help their helpless fellows.

  B) The bees are always trying to get food as much as they can.

  C) Most land on the earth is held by legal owners.

  D) It is doubtful whether man is the rational animal.

3.The best proof against man’s intelligence is that_________.

  A) he is greedy and he has a violent hunger for wealth

  B) he is cruel and is not above robbing his fellowmen of their possessions

  C) he assumes that he is superior to other animals in spite of his past record

  D) he is an unreasoning creature

4.The tone of the passage is_____________.

  A) sentimental    B) serious and regretful    C) depressed   D) light yet mockingly serious

5.The main purpose of this passage is__________.

  A) to prove that man is a descendent from some higher animal

  B) to satirize human greediness

  C) to prove that man is superior to other animals

  D) to criticize man as a maniac

更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。





1.D)。文章第一段中作者提出自己的理论,第二段中则提到:我的结论不是猜测的而是用了通常所谓的科学方法。我已经将所有的假设应用到实验中,并根据实验结果采纳或摒弃它。所以选D),作者声称他的理论是 scientific“科学的” A)意为“实用的”,和原文相反;B)“客观的”,没有D)准确;C)“主观的”,不符合原文。

2.D)。类似这样的题最好根据选项到文章中一一定位判断其正误。由man is the rational animal定位到第五段的前三句,人是理智的动物,我认为这需要讨论一下。rational对应文中的reasoning,所以D)符合原文:人是否是理智动物值得怀疑。由gathered(对应文中的accumulated)和helpless定位到第三段第一句:人为了满足自己的欲望而积累比他们实际需要更多的钱,而且为了满足这种欲望他们会骗取无辜者和弱者的钱,A)意思与之相反,所以不对;由The bees定位到第三段第三句:当蜜蜂积累足够的过冬食物时,他们就会停止,不会通过诚实或欺骗的手段积累更多,所以B)不对,另外always使选项语义绝对化;most land是对not an acre of ground的同义转述,由此定位到第四段第三句:所有的土地都是通过暴力和伤亡得到的,可知C)不对。

3.c)。由题干against man’s intelligence定位到文章最后一句:我认为与他的智慧形成对比的最有力的罪状是这一事实:尽管根据以往的记录(可知他的道德是最劣等的),他仍然自称为世界上最优等的动物,所以选C),superior to相当于the head animal of the lot。A) 和D)是支撑论点的一个事实;B)和文章内容相反。



更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。




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