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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (265)
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【同等学力】备战2019年英语每日一练习 (265)




导读:今起我们开启2019年同等学力英语国家统一考试的复习,为此学苑教育教学中心为保证大家在漫漫备考复习过程中能高效掌握和记忆词汇,针对2019年同等学力英语复习备考精心编辑每日一练习 、周测试、月模考,希望带领大家顺利通过2019年同等学力英语考试。  别抱怨考试太难,复习时间太少,也许是你投入的太少!记得每天多挤一点点时间,坚持,坚持,再坚持!关注学苑教育同等学力微信公众号:gzxyweixin 自动获取更多复习资料!


更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。



   Coverage of accident,fires and disasters is a staple of news reporting,but not every individual  is cut out to report this type of news.Inevitably,accident coverage equates with the coverage of human tragedy.It’s tough enough to cover an apartment fire and watch as the burnt remains of children  should be removed.It’s even tougher to do it on a regular basis.That weighs heavily on even the  toughest of individuals, and some otherwise terrific reporters discover that they just cannot handle  continued exposure to tragedy.In most cases of this sort,it is helpful to remember that there’s nothing you can do to help.Police and fire officials are trained in rescue and disaster-relief efforts;almost certainly,you are not.

   On rare occasions,however,the reporter can become a part of the story.Does the newspaper   photographer try to stop a woman,from jumping off a bridge to her death or does he photograph the  plunge? You are told by your editors,quite appropriately,not to become part of the story.On the  other hand,isn’t the saving of a life more important? Such incidents place the reporter or photographer in an ethical dilemma.But even if this type of coverage is not your style,there’s a good chance  that sooner or later you will have to do it.

   When that occurs,think clearly and set aside your emotions.Keen in mind that you have a duty  to your readers,listeners or viewers to keep them informed.There is good reason for media interest in  such events.For many years,surveys of news consumers have shown that accidents,fires and disasters rank with crime and government news near the top of items of reader interest.Those studies con-firm what editors know spontaneously:

   The job of the news media is to get information to the public as quickly and accurately as possible.The media also cover these events in their capacity as watchdog for the public over government  agencies.In the police are slow in responding to an accident,is it because there are not enough of- ricers or because they are poorly supervised? To ask questions like this on behalf of the public,reporters must observe public officials as they perform their duties.

1. The word“staple”(Line 1,Para.1) probably means“_”。

A) big problem      B) tough job     C) important part      D) special item

2.Coverage of accidents becomes unbearable when reporters have to_.

A) act like the police or firemen        B) take a big share of the job

C) rush from one place to another        D) do it frequently  

3.According to the author,an inexperienced reporter,when assigned to cover an accident,is like1y to_.

A) feel happy to accept the job          B) overlook important part of the story

C) get involved in the accident          D) feel no sympathy for the victim

4.The author thinks that a reporter’s duty on the scene of an accident is to_.

A) stand by and be an observer           B) save the life of victims

C) feel reluctant to accept the job      D) set aside his human sympathy

5.Which of the following groups is the author most likely addressing to?  

A) Disaster-relief agencies.            B) Consumers of news media.

C) News media managers.                 D) Students of journalism.

更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。





1.C)。此类题型可利用上下文的逻辑关系来推测。由该句后的句子可知这里指新闻报导。第一段第二句和第三句用举例说明,第四句:每天都报道这样的新闻就更加痛苦,可知regular等于staple,而“regular的事情”意思可解释为important part(重要部分)。special item与regular的意思相反;tough job是指这个工作,而不是指新闻本身。

2.D)。题干中的unbearable是对第一段第四句中even tougher的同义转述,因此本题定位到该段第四句:每天都报道这样的新闻就更加痛苦,可知答案。do it on a regular basis和 do it frequently 同义,另外,考生应注意even这样的强烈表达通常是考点。A)和C)是例子,不能作为答案。

3.C)。由题干中的assigned to cover an accident定位到第一段第五、六句:最好记住你帮不了什么忙,警察和消防员在营救方面受过专业的训练,而你没有,不要成为故事中的主角。这些话含有警告和建议的意思,所以可推断C)是答案。

4.A)。由题干中的duty定位到文章第三段的前两句:当此类事情发生时要保持清醒,将自己的感情放在-边,记住你有责任让你的读者、听众或观众得到信息,可推测记者不应插手,而是要如实地报道。set aside“将…放在…边”和stand by“袖手旁观”是同义转述。B)和文章意思相反;C)和题干中的duty无关;D)范围太小,human sympathy 只是 emotion 中的一种。


更多复习资料请关注学苑核心微信号:xyuan62513012,本阶段专家推荐辅导班型 长线套餐、OTS1、OTS2、一站通银卡A班。详情联系学苑教育课程顾问。





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