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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-5-18 17:55:16  点击数:563


  Dear xxx,

  I am writing this letter today to you to express my sincere congratulations.

  I am much delighted to learn that SVO. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement. You will play a more important role, which will not only pose a challenge to you but also will help fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. And your years of efforts have been paid off and your talents have been amply rewarded. You deserve the honor that this achievement brings you. I believe that this will be a new beginning and a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future.

  Please accept my sincere congratulations!

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming

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