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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-8-1 13:35:43  点击数:268

  1.Some confusion has____ about who can join the association.

  A) arisen B) lifted C) raised D) retained

  答案:A arise 出现。lift 提,举。raise 举起,提高。retain 保留,保持。

  2.Nowadays a large number of people buy ____Christmas trees instead of real ones.

  A) artificial B) wrong C) fake D)false

  答案:A artificial意为“人造的,非天然的”。fake指“伪造的”,含贬义,常强调带着骗人的目的。false 强调“假的,错误的,伪善的”。

  3.In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are sometimes viewed____a threat to domestic industries.

  A) like B) with C) for D)as

  答案:D view . . .as 将……看做是。

  4.Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss____ the breadwinner's death.

  A) at the cost of B)on the verge of C) as a result of D)for the sake of

  答案:C as a result of 由于……的结果。 at the cost of 以……为代价。on the verge of 到了……的边缘,几乎要。for the sake of 为了,由于……的缘故。

  5.Everybody____ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.

  A) assembled B) accumulated C) piled D) joined

  答案:A 句子意为:人群聚拢于大厅门楼。accumulate 聚积,pile 堆积和join 加入均不合题意。

  6.His taxes were ____ at $200.

  A)valued B) estimated C) assessed D) evaluated

  答案:C 因为assess意为“对某事进行仔细而明确的评判”,在本题中指“作为征税的依据”;而value 意指“对物品价格的估计”;estimate 指“一定程度上的大致评价”,可能是精心考虑的,也可能是随意的;evaluate 一般不用在金钱方面,常指通过参照物(项)来判断另一物(项) ,具有对比的特点。

  7The movement of the moon conveniently provided the unit of month, which was____from one new moon to the next.

  A) measured B) reckoned C) judged D) assessed

  答案:B reckon 计算,估计;认为。measure 量……的尺寸大小。judge 断定,判断。assess 估计(价值、数值) 。

  8.A healthy life is frequently thought to be____ with the open countryside and home-grown food.

  A) tied B) bound C) involved D) associated

  答案:D be associated with 与……有联系。

  9.They are building the dam in____ with another firm.

  A) association B) comparison C) touch D) tune

  答案:A in association with 与……联合。

  10.The temple made of stones is to ____the shape of a pyramid.

  A) assume B) form C) purchase D) recycle

  答案:A assume 此处是“呈现”的意思。句意:这座由石头造的神庙呈现金字塔状。

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