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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-8-1 13:36:56  点击数:323

  1.Naturally the prince____ power on the death of his father.

  A) assumed B) consumed C) presumed D) resumed

  答案:A 因为assume意为“承担,就(职),控制(政权)”,assume power 意为'掌权,控制政权”,故选A consume 意为“消费,消耗”;presume意为“推测,假定”;resume 意为“恢复,继续”均应排除。

  2.The patient has been____ of the safety of the operation.

  A) assured B) guaranteed C) entrusted D) confirmed

  答案:A assure 使确信,使放心;向……保证。用法:assure sb. of sth. 。 guarantee 保证;担保。entrust 把……托付给。confirm 证实。

  3.Since your daughter has been saved by the policeman, you can set your heart ____now.

  A) easily B) with ease C) at ease D)easy

  答案:C set. . . at ease 放下心来,使……趋于平静。

  4.He's sometimes bad-tempered but he is a good fellow____.

  A) in heart B) with heart C) at heart D) by heart

  答案:C at heart 本质上,在思想感情深处。 in heart内心。with heart 用心。by heart 靠记忆。

  5.The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that____ the speakers stopped for refreshments.

  A) al large B) at intervals C) at ease D) at random

  答案:B at intervals 每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离。at large [后置定语] 一般说来;( 囚犯) 在逃,逍遥法外。at(one’s)ease。安详,自在,随便,不拘束。at random 随便地,胡乱地。

  6.The killer remained_____ for months.

  A) at best B) at large C) at length D) at most

  答案:B at large 逍遥法外。at best 充其量。at length 最终。at most 最多。

  7.The Supervisor didn't have time so far to go into it____ ,but he gave us an idea bout his plan.

  A) at hand B) in turn C)in conclusion D)at length

  答案:D at length详细地,周密地。at hand 在手边。in turn 轮流。 in conclusion(在讲话结束时用的用语)最后。

  8.He was really eloquent, in the debate he explained his subject____ and arose enthusiasm.

  A) al last B) in the end C) at length D) to such an extent

  答案:C at length 详细地。at last 最终。in the end最后。 to such an extent 到如此程度。

  9.The future of this company is____:many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.

  A) at odds B) in trouble C)in vain D)at stake

  答案:D at stake 处于危险之中。

  10.The Greeks____ great importance to music.

  A) attained B) attracted C) attacked D)attached

  答案:D attach sth. to sth. 意为“认为有,与……相关联”。如:Do you attach much importance to what he says?你认为他说的话很重要吗?

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