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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-8-2 14:45:21  点击数:248

  1.We are proud to say that we, Chinese people, are highly____ rather than uncultivated.

  A) civiled B)civilized C)civilian D)citized

  答案:B civilized;文明的,开化的。

  2.The teacher____ the harder parts of the story.

  A) cleared away B) cleared out C) cleared up D) cleared off

  答案:C clear away 消散,排除。clear out 消除。clear off 清理。

  3.The current political ____of our country is favourable for foreign investments.

  A) climate B) weather C) temperature D) state

  答案:A climate “气候;( 社会) 风气”,如:the climates of opinion 舆论。weather“天气”。temperature“温度”。state“状态;国家” 。句意:现在我们国家的政治氛围对外国投资者有利。

  4.Eighty percent of people polled recently had not a ____ to what information technology is meant.

  A) headline B) topic C)clue D)attempt

  答案:C not have a clue 一无所知,完全不懂。

  5.The lawyer, like the doctor, is governed by____ of ethics that requires him to maintain the highest standards of faithfulness ,trust and honesty.

  A) slogan B) model C) example D) code

  答案:D code 准则,法规。

  6.As the fat man sat down, the deck chair ____under him, with a loud noise of tearing cancas.

  A) fell B) sank C) collapsed D) dropped

  答案:C collapse“倒塌,崩溃”。

  7.The presently accepted theory of energy____ some of the ideas of both earlier theories.

  A) accepts B) composes C) joins D)combines

  答案:D accept“接受;认可”。compose“组成,构成”。join “参加;连接,联合”。combine “结

  合,联合;化合”。Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. 氢和氧化合形成水。句意:近来为人们所接受的能量理论结合了两个较早期理论的一些观点。

  8.If you happen to____ my lost papers while you're looking for your book,please let me know at once by telephone.

  A) come up B) come across C) come to D)come over

  答案:B come across (无意中)碰到。come up 提及,被提出;发生。come to 共计。come over顺便来访。

  9.I used to believe otherwise, but now I’ve ____to your point of view.

  A) come round B) come out C)come back D)come across

  答案:A 本句意为“我过去不是这样认为,但现在已改变主意同意你的观点。”come round to

  (sth. ) 在此表示“转而同意(某看法、观点等)”,符合题意,此短语还可表示“苏醒,复原,顺便来访”。come out 意为“出现,显露,出版,发表”。come across 意为“(无意中)碰


  10.Very few experts____ with completely new answers to the world's economic problems.

  A) come to B) come round C) come up D) come on

  答案:C come up with 意为“提出”,符合题意。come on 意为“跟随”或做挑战语,可译为“来吧!”come round 意为“走弯路,再现,再来,恢复”come to 意为“恢复知觉”。

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