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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-8-2 14:45:54  点击数:266

  1.Advanced computer technology has_____ as answer to accurate weather forecasting.

  A) set B) faced up to C) filled D) come up with

  答案:D come up with提出,想出。set 放,安置。face up to 面对,承担。fill使充满。

  2.Mother's____ nicely, thank you.

  A) coming along B) coming to C) coming about D) coming across

  答案:A come along 意为“进展,好转”符合题意。come to 意为“苏醒”。come about 意为“发生”。come across 意为“偶遇”。

  3.By signing the lease we made a ____to pay a rent of $ 150 a week.

  A) conception B) commission C) commitment D) confinement

  答案:C commitment 承担的责任或义务,承诺:He avoided making any commitments to it.conception 概念;构思:have no conception of

  what you mean. commission 委托,委任,任务;佣金。confinement 限制,监禁。

  4.Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am____ to carrying out the plan.

  A) obliged B) committed C) engaged D) resolved

  答案:B be committed to 答应,承担( 做某事或支持某事) 。be obliged to使感激:I’m obliged to you. engage 使从事于,使忙于。resolve 决心,决定;解决,解答。

  5.Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is____.

  A) firm B) company C) corporation D) enterprise

  答案:B company 作伴,陪伴。[注:company 作“陪伴,作伴”解时关键在于不可数,这点必须

  注意]。firm 公司。corporation[美] 贸易公司。enterprise企业;事业(尤指艰难或危险的事业) ;事业心,进取心。

  6.Although he has a long training in accounting, he is still not very____ it.

  A) competent B) competent for C) competent at D) competent in

  答案:C competent at ( skill,activity ,etc.) 意为“有能力,精于(技能或活动) ,”符合题意。 competent in ( a particular field ) 意为“精通于具体领域”;competent for ( a task ) 为“有能力干,胜任(工作) ”。

  7.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most____ areas in Japanese life.

  A) sophisticated B) competitive C) considerate D) superficial

  答案:B competitive 竞争性的,竞争力强的;爱竞争的。sophisticated 老练的,富有经验的;复杂的。considerate( of/to) 为别人考虑的,考虑周到的,体贴他人的。superficial 表面的,表层的。

  8.To be sure, some insects can build complex societies ____different types of individuals performing different tasks.

  A) taken from B) composed of C) made of D) developed from

  答案:B composed of 由……组成,由…….构成。taken from取自。made of 由(…….材料) 做成。developed from 由……发展而来。

  9.He ____his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

  A) retained B) concealed C) conceived D) shielded

  答案:B conceal 隐藏,隐瞒。retain 保留,保持。conceive 设想,构想出。shield 保护,防护;遮住。

  10.Although they had suffered heavy losses, the commanders refused to____ defeat.

  A) grant B) concede C)consent D)acquire

  答案:B 尽管他们损失惨重,司令官还是拒绝承认失败。concede 承认。grant 给予。consent 同意,答应。acquire 得到,获得。

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