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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创  日期:2016-8-3 10:44:54  点击数:258


  41. global excess demand 全球过量需求

  42. alleviate the Asian financial crisis 缓解亚洲金融危机

  43. tax cuts in this year’s budget 年度预算中的税收削减

  44. channels of revenue 收入渠道 45. suspension of exports 中止出口

  46. fluctuate crude oil prices (fluctuation of crude oil prices) 原油价格波动

  47. apply economic sanctions against that country 对该国进行经济制裁

  48. established business partners 固定的贸易伙伴

  49. marketing messages 销售信息

  50. trade barrier 贸易壁垒

  51. contentious trade issue 有争议的贸易问题

  52. surplus in trade 贸易顺差

  53. trade balance 贸易平衡

  54. trade imbalance 贸易失衡

  55. package deal 一揽子交易

  56. failing oil revenue 日益减少的石油收入

  57. customs revenues 关税收入

  58. real-estate broker 房地产经纪人

  59. capital shortage 资金短缺

  60. technical assistance 技术援助

  61. federal policymaker 联邦决策者

  62. the national economy’s total receipts 国民经济的总收入

  63. intermediary company 中介公司

  64. supplier 供货商 65. exchange rate 汇率

  66. farm subsidy 农业补贴 67. revalue (revaluation) 升值

  68. automobile industry 汽车工业 69. assets income 资产收益

  70. labor market 劳动力市场

  71. consumer-oriented economy 以消费者为导向的经济

  72. planned economy 计划经济 73. state-owned enterprise 国有企业

  74. price mechanism 价格体系 75. domestic appliance 家用电器

  76. service industry 服务行业 77. unemployment rate 失业率

  78. executive 执行官 79. explosive growth 爆炸性发展

  80. competitor 竞争对手

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