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作者:佚名   来源:网络  日期:2009-3-3 16:22:41  点击数:1876
no more...than... (= not...any more than) 和……—样都不……(表示前后都否定)
  例1:The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. 心脏和胃一样都无智力可言,因为它们都是由大脑控制的。
  例2:There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink.
  例3:More and more Afro-Americans see him as a tricky enemy who has no more love for them than he has for the Congolese.
  注释:not...any more than是no more...than的一种强调形式。
  1) Jack is no more intelligent than John. (=Jack is not intelligent any more than John.)
  2) A man can no more fly than a bird can speak. (=A man cannot fly any more than a bird can speak.) 人不会飞翔,就像鸟不会说话一样。
  3) As a nation, the French are no more eager to 1earn about their wartime failings than are the Japanese. (=As a nation,the French are not eager to learn about their wartime failings any more than are the Japanese.)
  上述例句表明,no more...than并不表示比较,而是表示比喻,含有比喻意义的比较级用于否定时,than后面的从句不用否定式,但译成汉语时要用否定式。而与上述句型意义相反的是:no less...than,意为:“和……同样是……”。例如:
  Human is no less an animal than a monkey is. 人和猴都是动物。
  而no less than 的意思为:“简直是,实在是”,例如:
  1) It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price. 如此索要高价,简直是敲诈。
  2) It is no less than a scandal. 这实在是一件丑闻
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